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Join our big market in Loren Market map!

If you buy or sell items, visit our big market in Loren Market map! To sell items in offline mode, first open your personal store and then use /offtrade command.

Register for the castle siege event!

Join the ultimate battle between Escape MU's strongest guilds! Talk to NPC Guardsman in Valley of Loren to register for the event.


At Escape MU combo skill is available for all character classes, not only for Dark Knight.


New PvP event! The key mission is for the Guild Master to keep the left side throne in Devias 3 occupied as long as possible and do not let other guilds take over it. Register every day at 18:20 with the following command: /regicewind
Top Rankings
CountryClassCharacterResetsGrand ResetsLocation
1Darkness Wizardalnnie86125Ferea
2Empire LordEqualzDL26079Abyss of Atlans 2
3Rogue SlayerSlayer51479Lorencia
4Ignition KnightBerserk44369Kanturu Undergrounds
5Phantom Pain KnightOneIK35764Tormenta Island
6Fist BlazerSaitama10060Ferea
7Fist BlazerGennozo10060Ferea
8Grand Mastermuff10051Lorencia
10Shining Wizardkuku10051Lorencia
11Soul Wizardleidi10050Lorencia
12Blade Mastermaga10050Elbeland
13Battle MageLem12949Lorencia
14Mystic KnightBiuBiu10048Lorencia
15Fist BlazerGenjia10046Ferea
16Ignition KnightNMBD10045Lorencia
17Glory WizardLWhunter10040Quest Zone
18Rogue SlayerBFFSL1437637Quest Zone
19Ignition KnightSwellLife236Swamp of Darkness
20Infinity Rune WizardRuneDragon10034Lorencia
21Duple KnightxRogueMGx10030Quest Zone
22Magnus Gun CrusherTrigGUN110030Lorencia
23Rogue SlayerxMightySLx10029Quest Zone
24Arcane LancerxCaliBurgG10029Quest Zone
25Slaughtererbobomei10029Kubera Mine 4
Last update on 15 Mar, 2025 - 06:51 PM